Monthly Archives: April 2015

The aerosol plasma +Pale blue skies + Definite chemtrails today + glittery particulates +maybe not

A few cloud tufts appeared in the evening but basically yesterday was a clear day. I saw no chemtrails. Today is beautiful. Perfect temperature, mostly sunny with just the right amount of cumulus clouds. There appears to be a definite lull in the chemtrail activity. I have seen no classic form chemtrail all week. And […]

catherine pugh tired of pretending dailymail |  Donning a smart black jacket, she shared an emotional hug with a protester wielding a bottle. Shortly after, she angrily told a Fox News host that demonstrators were not looking for trouble. Now, Maryland State Senator Catherine E. Pugh is under fire for ’empathizing’ with the hundreds of people who were taking […]

carl stokes got tired of pretending…, TPM |  Baltimore City Councilman Carl Stokes let loose on CNN’s Erin Burnett on Tuesday night after the news anchor argued that “thugs” was “the right word” to describe protestors on the streets. Burnett, who is white, began by noting that both Baltimore Mayor Stephanie Rawlins-Blake and President Obama had referred to the “bad […]

Overcast +accumulating aerosols +no chemtrails +clear +a definite lull in the chemtrail activity

Overcast this morning. Another wave of cloud cover after yesterday’s clearing.9:30 AM. And now. It’s a partly cloudy day, except that the clouds are nebulous and hazy. Like these. I have seen no classic  chemtrails, yet these are the kinds of clouds that chemtrails make. I have, however, seen a couple of short lived presumably […]

The Black One Percent (of One Percent )

So the One Percent of One Percent Who Own US Politics Include Some Black Faces. Is This A Victory For Us All? Bruce A. Dixon One percent of the one percent, about 30,000 individuals account for 42% of all the contributions to political candidates in the US. In most other countries these would be bribes, […]

Most unusual indeed +A conveyor belt of clouds + Definite chemtrails +spiting the weatherman +Partly cloudy after all

A most unusual week. I have seen no actual chemtrails this week. That is most unusual indeed. As I have said, the focus of the operation must be elsewhere at the present time. Nevertheless! Today’s clouds look awfully suspicious. These are exactly the kind of clouds left behind when chemtrails thin out and spread. Yet, […]

QOTD: Cornel West’s criticisms of Obama

The fact of the matter is West’s heated criticisms of Obama are the logical result of a morally consistent human being seeing the horrors for which the Obama administration has been responsible. The problem does not lie with West’s admittedly provocative denunciations of Obama, but rather with the fact that more self-identifying progressives are not standing […]

The National Guard Referred to Ferguson Protesters as “Enemy Forces” and “Adversaries” Ahead of Deployment

by Michael Krieger Thanks to internal mission briefings received through a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request, we now know that the Missouri National Guard used highly charged, militarized terms when describing Ferguson protesters ahead of its deployment. Terms such as “enemy forces” and “adversaries” were used to describe American citizens justifiably angry about police […]

Michael Eric Dyson’s Hatchet Eulogy for Cornel West

The Rancid Honeytrap Michael Eric Dyson’s Hatchet Eulogy for Cornel West As you probably know, sociology professor, radio host, MSNBC contributor and frequent visitor to the White House, Michael Eric Dyson, has seized the spotlight with a disgraceful hatchet job on Cornel West in… 1,164 more words

Light rain +No chemtrails +cirrus clouds +no chemtrails +overcast

Earlier this morning I noticed there were two layers of clouds. The higher layer was relatively stationary and of a striated texture, ostensibly cirrus clouds. The lower layer was fast moving and billowy, almost smoky in texture. So nebulous I hesitate to call them cumulus clouds. Now the sky is completely overcast by one or […]