Category Skull and Bones

Skull and Bones


Skull&Bones, Antony Sutton, and bankrolling the enemy

by Jon Rappoport   “When you see the same elites funding, encouraging, and enabling both sides in a major war, you’re on the road to understanding war from a higher perspective. These elites use war to create chaos, which they then ‘solve’ by imposing, in the aftermath, their kind of order—greater control over life, greater […]

Meet the Elite: Father of Mainstream Media, Skull and Bones Member Henry Luce — Waking Times

Markab Algedi, GuestWaking Times Henry Luce could be titled the “father of mainstream media.” He was referred to as “the most influential private citizen in America of his day.” The person behind Life, Fortune, and Time magazines, his cooperation with the powers of his day perfectly demonstrate what “the elite” is, and how power works […]

The rise of the oligarchy and Barack Obama

Sam Smith 2010 Go back more than two decades and you find politicians like Nixon, Carter and Reagan who built their own political base; politicians such as Truman, Johnson, and Ford deeply rooted in conventional politics; Kennedy, whose family’s oligarchic inclinations were cut brutally short and FDR, who was hated by many of the elites. […]

“JFK to 9-11: Everything is a Rich Man’s Trick”

Henry Makow: On the eve of JFK’s assassination, three future Presidents toasted the plot’s success: LBJ, Richard Nixon and G.H.W. Bush. The meeting took place at oilman Clint Murchison’s ranch. The Mafia was represented by  Carlos Marcello, Joe Civella and Jack Ruby. The Illuminati bankers sent John McCloy and the Brown Brothers Harriman.  Law enforcement […]

CHEMTRAILS: “WHO” In The World is Spraying Now Revealed UPDATE:  Climate Scientist – Jasper Kirkby – Blows Whistle On Chemtrails  (Source) Michael J Murphy and Barry Kolsky produced two excellent Chemtrails documentaries that attempted to answer two questions: What in the World Are They Spraying and Why in the World Are They Spaying. Although the production of the third documentary has been delayed, […]

The N.W.O., Skull & Bones, 9/11, The C.F.R., Bilderberg and the I.M.F…