Daily Archives: February 4, 2015

QOTD: Manifest Destiny’s child

We are living through a moment in time where a perverse experiment has gone wrong and led to the creation of an out-of-control monster. In this case, the monster itself is the blowback-inducing, homicidal bull in cultural, religious and geopolitical china shops that has been U.S. foreign policy for at least the past 75 years. […]

Cirrious clouds +on the cusp +glazed sky

Cirrious clouds. My name for dubious cirrus clouds. The ones that are likely manmade. These are the kind of clouds that develop when chemtrails  spread out and merge with adjacent trails. No doubt chemtrails were sprayed earlier this morning. It’s 8:30 now. An occasional trail still appears here and there.  Like the faint trail running diagonally in […]