Daily Archives: December 5, 2014

Fascism in the 21st century.- The Seeds Of World War 3.

by Katherine Frisk This photo comes from a Polish forum and has reposted by Colonel Cassad. Which countries support fascism? The answer will surprise you. On the 21st of November the UN voted to condemn Nazism, or other practices that contribute to racism, racial discrimination, xenophobia and related intolerance. 115 countries voted Yes to condemn, […]

QOTD: Lynch state

The state, from the police department, to the judicial system and even the president is all backing the proceduralization of the murder of Michael Brown and Eric Garner.  The state has absolved itself of any wrongdoing.  If we can’t look to the state, then aren’t we back to the problem we had with lynchings?  We […]

A list of unarmed Blacks killed by police

“This list is just the tip of the iceberg” by abagond The extremely incomplete list of unarmed Blacks killed by police   Here is a list of unarmed Blacks killed by police in the US. It is extremely incomplete. A complete list for just 2005 to 2012 would have at least 760 killings. I have only 6% […]