Monthly Archives: January 2015

Global warming

Here’s a Shocking Visualization of the Planet’s Rising Temperatures   Last week, NASA and NOAA announced that 2014 was the hottest year in Earth’s recorded history. This animation by Bloomberg brings that finding into sharp focus. 2014 Was the Hottest Year in Earth’s Recorded History  2014 Was the Hottest Year in Earth’s Recorded History  2014 […]

Filtered sunlight +sun ring +pic

There is a certain irony I feel when watching the local weather on TV.  Earlier the weatherman said that there were a few clouds. He didn’t mention them at all  an hour later, but the icon accompanying his forecast indicates a sunny day ahead. And unlike an hour earlier he  did not show a picture […]

Web of death

Here is what it can look like in France:… Rapport d’analyse complet du laboratoire ANALYTICA:… This is a chemtrails:… Le dernier documentaire: Chemtrails: La guerre secrète en Vo st fr:… The last documentary with english subs: Chemtrails the secret War:… Pilots, scientists and doctors talk about chemtrails (st Fr):… […]

Incarceration Nation

by WashingtonsBlog There Are More Blacks Under Correctional Control Today Than In 1850 Slaveholding America … More Are In Jail Than In Apartheid South Africa … And More Are Disenfranchised Than The Year The Constitutional Amendment Giving Blacks the Right To Vote Was Ratified The United States has the highest incarceration rate in the world […]

CHEMTRAILS: “WHO” In The World is Spraying Now Revealed UPDATE:  Climate Scientist – Jasper Kirkby – Blows Whistle On Chemtrails  (Source) Michael J Murphy and Barry Kolsky produced two excellent Chemtrails documentaries that attempted to answer two questions: What in the World Are They Spraying and Why in the World Are They Spaying. Although the production of the third documentary has been delayed, […]

Target Practice

Brother’s Mug Shot Photo used as Police Target Practice Sgt. Valerie Deant was reduced to tears Saturday after she arrived at a firing range with her fellow Florida Army National Guard soldiers and found that the target photos left behind by a North Miami Police department sniper team were live mug shots that included her […]

White House knew about but didn’t stop CIA’s illegal snooping on Senate

Undernews Huffington Post – – Central Intelligence Agency Director John Brennan consulted the White House before directing agency personnel to sift through a walled-off computer drive being used by the Senate Intelligence Committee to construct its investigation of the agency’s torture program, according to a recently released report by the CIA’s Office of the Inspector […]

White liberal consciousness: Some lives matter more than others

Hollywood’s political deafness: What Cosby, “Selma” & Hebdo reveal about white liberal consciousness BRITTNEY COOPER *** As I watched multiple white celebrities don the stage and stand in solidarity with the victims of the Charlie Hebdo attack and other innocent bystanders, I marveled at the privilege that they had of being specific. Even though some […]

Sickening +chemtrail cocktail +various aerosol mixtures +how long? +No chemtrails + A bit of stealth chemtrailing

1/10/15 Chemtrails.  All over the sky this afternoon. No other clouds but the spreading chemtrail residue. Sickening. 2:00 PM. 1/14/15 Extensive chemtrailing this morning. 9:30. Numerous ones streaming over the northern hemisphere of the sky. The southern half has already merged into a solid translucent sheet, filtering the light of the sun behind it. The sun […]

Engineered Winter, The Deception Of The US Population

Dane Wigington   Where is it cold? Where is it hot? The GISS “departure from normal temperature” map below should paint a strikingly clear picture to answer this question. Where is the ONLY bright blue area of substantially below normal temperatures? The Eastern half of the North American continent, why?     This is […]